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Listen to your inner guidance and design new perspectives to live by.

Summary: Accesses the Eternal Self by tapping into the divine intelligence of your soul and training yourself to hear its wisdom and subtle guidance.
Purpose: To learn to locate and identify the inner voice of your soul so you can hear its guidance and find a new way to respond to troubling events in your daily life, making soul consciousness your reality.
  1. The soul's voice is always whispering in the background during difficult times.
  2. Your personality feels too good absorbed in anger to listen, but its voice is there.
  3. It's like learning to use a new muscle, the more you practice the easier it gets.
  4. You are not listening with your physical ear, but with your intuition—your spiritual ear.
  5. The best time to train yourself is in the morning before the personality takes over.
  6. Recall your dreams, it's the voice of your soul that speaks during life challenges.
  7. Like a double picture its first unidentifiable, but soon becomes audible.
  8. Your soul fills you with compassionate insights, messages, peace, gratitude, and joy.
  9. Like tuning into a radio station you can listen closely and hear your soul's voice.
  10. Change to higher soul thoughts as your reality and then miracles begin to happen.
Analogy: Now you grab the controls and become the conductor. You stop the merry-go-round if only for a moment and look at the other horses available to you. You no longer have to ride any old horse, you have options of which horse you want to lead you on the path towards your own enlightenment.

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