Embrace who you are no matter what thoughts and emotions consume you.
Accepts your personality wherever you happen to be in your soul journey and embraces all aspects of who you are as a physical being in any earthly situation.
To know that it is okay to make mistakes, to feel angry towards others, to be confused or feel sorry for yourself, and by accepting your feelings you release their hold on you so you can begin to transform them.
- Your nature is to try to change yourself and situations from a place of conflict.
- Opposition only creates resistance and friction, never transformation.
- Embrace with compassion who you are, how you think, and how you act.
- Like a child, immature thoughts need to be accepted to be released and transformed.
- You must fully feel your issues, discuss them with family, a pastor, or therapist.
- You may need to physically act out emotions, go to kick boxing, punch a pillow.
- The dark side is always there forcing us to stop and listen; feel it to release it.
- It is your fearful conflict with your feelings that perpetuates them as habits.
- Like ripples of a stone across water, you are the water and the ripples are temporary.
- Empty your cup at a pace you can handle and fill it with soul consciousness.
As you routinely ride one particular horse full of fury on the merry-go-round of your life, you put your arms around it and embrace it. You see even its demon eyes as the most beautiful horse in the world. You see all of its many different colors, complete with its fury and its ornate qualities. You hug this horse and love it because it represents the totality of who you are on this earth at this time.
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