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Exercise Your Soul; Programming and Applying its wisdom to master your daily life.

Summary: Applies the Eternal Self by anchoring new soul perspectives into your consciousness for use during challenging moments in your daily life.
Purpose: To visualize and program your new soul responses into your consciousness, and then shift to using a pre-programmed reaction when negative situations arise, bringing light and blessing to yourself and into the lives of others.
  1. Turns daily life into a forum to practice paving the way to your enlightenment.
  2. Like changing bad habits you can now reprogram unwanted automatic responses.
  3. Visualizing how to act in difficult times helps you to act that way in real life.
  4. Choose a soul thought and see yourself in the problematic situation using it.
  5. Pause before leaving your house and remember your new soul perspective.
  6. When situations arise you may forget or not catch it—don't criticize yourself.
  7. Review what transpired, see your soul anchor again, and make the shift next time.
  8. Practice this until your soul perspective becomes your natural response.
  9. Your darkness turns to light, demons to angels, and you heal yourself & others.
  10. Then miracles begin to happen and you achieve your own self-mastery.
Analogy: The merry-go-round is now under your control. The horses still go up and down, but you no longer aimlessly go around and around. You are now the master at one with the conductor, and you are riding a horse of beauty and grace that is leading you towards the fulfillment of your true life purpose.

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